Landscape Animism on Akhelas

Landscape Animism on Akhelas Let's take a break from RuneQuest and Glorantha this week, and return to Akhelas. Akhelas is this site's namesake, a fantasy setting which has its roots in scribbles from before I actually started, well, writing-writing. My most recent articles about Akhelas outlined magic's function in the setting based on the world's … Continue reading Landscape Animism on Akhelas

Behind the Scenes #13

January's just passed us by, so it's time to peek into what I've been working on… over on my Patreon! I write these blogs each month as a small way of saying "Thanks!" to those who go above and beyond to support my creative work. No one should ever feel obligated to chip in, but … Continue reading Behind the Scenes #13

Behind the Scenes #10

October's gone and spooked itself into the past. That means it's time for another "behind the scenes" look into what I've been working on for the past month… over on my Patreon page! I do these blogs monthly as a way to show my gratitude to those who support keeping articles, reviews, and other content … Continue reading Behind the Scenes #10

Experiencing ADHD Medication

Despite the claims of South Park's Mr. Mackey, not all drugs are bad. M'kay? I've recently been trying medication following a diagnosis of ADHD as an adult. The experience has been interesting, and largely beneficial. However, when I tried finding stories sharing the subjective experiences of other adults trying this type of medication, I was … Continue reading Experiencing ADHD Medication

The Beautiful Art of F*cking Around

Whether you're a reader, a writer, a gamer, or a game designer, pretty much everyone in this sphere is fascinated with figuring out how creativity works. Where do ideas come from? How did this turn up? What's the secret interplay of ideas, how do creatives blend themes just right to create the desired intellectual or … Continue reading The Beautiful Art of F*cking Around

During the Flood

Crossing over disorients Tarkalor. It always does; it always will. Sensations rush through his meat and bone like union with a lover, like singing with a father, like chanting with a crowd. His skin is blue, fingernails orange, and his shock of white hair jolts against the wind. This is always Tarkalor, except when it … Continue reading During the Flood

Behind the Scenes #7

It's kind of crazy that July's already ending—I feel like this month just started! This year is flying by. As usual, I'm going to take some time for a wrapup of what I've been working on this month! Unlike usual, this month's "behind the scenes" isn't a patron-exclusive. Patrons get to read articles a week … Continue reading Behind the Scenes #7

The Golden Bough & Glorantha

When I first began to write, my reading habits shifted. It was slow, at first, and I did not notice it. Over time I came to read dominantly nonfiction—especially about the ancient world. Although this had long been of interest to me, I discovered that the more I studied, the more detailed my creative work … Continue reading The Golden Bough & Glorantha

Behind the Scenes #4

Well we've got April out of the way, which means I get to have a nice long ramble about what I've done last month, and what I plan to get done in May. And as usual, I've done that ramble over on my Patreon page. I do these as backers-only posts because giving a peek … Continue reading Behind the Scenes #4

2022 Year in Review

It's January, so typically I go on a great big rambly blog about what's happened—or not happened—in the previous year. While normally I avoid getting too personal in this space—talking about the work, rather than my life—I feel it's worth being pretty straightforward. 2022 was shit. Stress, anxiety, and depression each took turns throughout much … Continue reading 2022 Year in Review